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Tails and Treats 2015
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2015 Howl-O-Ween! We had perfect weather and many furry friends! Congratulations to our 2015 winners: 1st Place – Black Dogs Rescue dressed as characters from the Wizard of Oz 2nd Place – Tammy Bosze with Roscoe as a Teddy Bear 3rd Place –…
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Beacon Babes Float takes 1st place in Independence Day parade!

Join the Beacon Babes! The Friends’ newest fundraising venue! FCPL’s newest fundraising venture aims to bring together fun, dedicated individuals who want to raise awareness about the importance of the Concord Point Lighthouse in our community. We are planning our launch and a schedule of events right now. Let us…
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The British invaded Havre de Grace! May 3, 4 and 5, 2013

It was a great weekend throughout the city and things were busy here at the Lighthouse and Keeper’s House! From cannons firing to concerts and fireworks, the Lighthouse presided over it all. Perhaps the British will come again next year! Our Hero, John O’Neill, being captured by the British invaders.
War of 1812 Commemorative Weekend

Ft. McHenry Fife and Drum Corp The British capture our hero, John ONeill! British formation Setting up the battery Take that, Brits! Matilda O’Neill (played by Laurel Yau) telling her story The British encampment on the Keeper’s House grounds Fireworks by the lighthouse! The British once again invaded Havre de…
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Havre de Grace Heritage Museums’ War of 1812 grant completed

Ft. McHenry Fife and Drum Corp Mayor Wayne Doughtery presenting Jim Dryden and Bethany Baker with a commemorative plaque Travelling trunk items on display The War of 1812 grant has come to a close. A reception held on January 31 at the Maritime Museum honored all of the participants. The…
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Volunteer Soup Dinner 2012

Rex Smith and Friends performing Floyd and Inge Dobson enjoying the performance Kathy and Ernie Moretti and Nancy and Jim Dryden smiling for the camera Irene Rice, Beth Fleming and Lilma Huntley enjoying the music Jean Weir and John Gallagher Mayor Wayne Doughtery sharing his appreciation of our volunteers All…
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New Mural in Havre de Grace

Photo and more information found here Have you seen the recently completed mural by Shawn Forton? The Lighthouse and O’Neill cannon are both featured prominently. The mural is located behind the Susquehanna Hose Company’s House No.1 off of Juniata Street. What a fantastic way to add art to the city…
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John O’Neill Cannon Returns to Concord Point

War of 1812 cannon returns to Concord Point! After a year of rehabilitation at the Maryland Conservation Lab, the cannon was returned to once again sit beside the lighthouse and commemorate John O’Neill’s defense of Havre de Grace against the British attack on May 3, 1813. Watch the video from…
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Cannon Returned
After more than a year of rehabilitation at the Maryland Conservation Lab, the War of 1812 cannon has been returned to Concord Point! We are excited to have it back, especially with the burning of Havre de Grace Bicentennial next May 3. The cannon marks the spot where John O’Neill…
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