Lighting the Way

I was reading through The Lighthouse Endeavor’s Keeper’s Journal and he posted this image of the recent Italian cruise ship tragedy.  Look at the lighthouses flanking the ship.  Are the lights still shining?  Do you think that they helped the survivors find their way as I’m sure they did so many times in the past? 

Never doubt that lighthouses and even more modern navigational devices are extremely important and always help to light the way to safety.

Hours of Operation

The Lighthouse and Keeper's House Museum and Gift Shop are open!

From April through October our hours will be:

Saturday 10 am - 2 pm.

Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm.

We ask that visitors please practice social distancing. Masks and sanitizer are available at both the Lighthouse and Keeper's House.

Located off of I-95, exit 89 between Baltimore and Philadelphia.

Free Admission.

Check our Calendar of Events