A Multi-Day Celebration
AUG. 3: “Overview & History of Pooles Island Lighthouse” 7-8:30 pm
Lecture & slides by APG Cultural Resources Historian Mark Gallihue
Venue: The Havre de Grace Opera House, 121 N. Union Ave., Havre de Grace, MD
Free admission – to reserve a seat, order a ticket at:
Co-sponsored with The Greater Havre de Grace Museum Association
AUG. 4: Visit our table at HdG First Fridays
AUG. 4: Concord Point Lighthouse Ghost Tour 8:30-10 pm
Tours start at the Keeper’s House Museum & end at the Lighthouse
Tickets available at:
A portion of the cost of each ticket is a fundraiser for Concord Point Lighthouse & Keeper’s House
AUG. 5: Special Activities during Open Hours 10 am – 2 pm
10-11 am Storytime – near the Lighthouse
12-2 pm Face-painting – near the Lighthouse
1-3 pm Free concert by Charlie Zahm – tent to right of Lighthouse
Nearby: The Chesapeake Mermaid Storytime ($5/child)
AUG. 5: Concert by The Crossjacks 6 – 8 pm
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Concert in the tent to right of Lighthouse
Cash bar & appetizers
Tickets: $10/person at:
AUG. 5: Concord Point Lighthouse Ghost Tour 8:30-10 pm
Tours start at the Keeper’s House Museum & end at the Lighthouse
Tickets available at:
A portion of the cost of each ticket is a fundraiser for Concord Point Lighthouse & Keeper’s House
AUG. 6: Special Activities during Open Hours 1 – 5 pm
1-3 pm Mermaid Meet & Greet – near the Lighthouse
2-4 pm Music by Feather & Flask – near the Lighthouse
2-4 pm – free Ice Cream – corner of Lafayette & Concord Streets (concrete pad)
AUG. 6: Concord Point Lighthouse Ghost Tour 8:30-10 pm
Tours start at the Keeper’s House Museum & end at the Lighthouse
Tickets available at:
A portion of the cost of each ticket is a fundraiser for Concord Point Lighthouse & Keeper’s House
AUG. 7: Special Open Hours & Activities 10 am – 2 pm
10 am – 2 pm Boat tours from Lighthouse to Lock House
Tickets available at:
10-11 am Storytime – near the Lighthouse
11 am -12 pm Balloon Sculptures – near the Lighthouse
12-2 pm Face-painting – near the Lighthouse
AUG. 7 6:30-7 pm
Upper Chesapeake Chorus
Free Performance by Upper Chesapeake Chorus – at the Lighthouse
Most of the events/activities are supported through
a Partnership Grant from Harford County Tourism-Related Funding.
Most of the music performances are supported through a
partnership with the Havre de Grace Arts Collective.
Thank you to all of our partners & sponsors!