Tag Archives: history
War of 1812 Commemorative Weekend

Ft. McHenry Fife and Drum Corp The British capture our hero, John ONeill! British formation Setting up the battery Take that, Brits! Matilda O’Neill (played by Laurel Yau) telling her story The British encampment on the Keeper’s House grounds Fireworks by the lighthouse! The British once again invaded Havre de…
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Havre de Grace Heritage Museums’ War of 1812 grant completed

Ft. McHenry Fife and Drum Corp Mayor Wayne Doughtery presenting Jim Dryden and Bethany Baker with a commemorative plaque Travelling trunk items on display The War of 1812 grant has come to a close. A reception held on January 31 at the Maritime Museum honored all of the participants. The…
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Cannon Returned
After more than a year of rehabilitation at the Maryland Conservation Lab, the War of 1812 cannon has been returned to Concord Point! We are excited to have it back, especially with the burning of Havre de Grace Bicentennial next May 3. The cannon marks the spot where John O’Neill…
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Posts without rails. Stacking the rails. He has to cut every rail by hand! We are beginning to make some changes to the lighthouse and keeper’s house grounds. The house has been restored to the 1880’s time period and now we are ready to restore the grounds as well. One…
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